The Races Day 2: After bumping into a group of kind Irish gentlemen last night, I'm tempted to have a flutter on Shirley Casper in the last race of the day. Any other good tips out there?
[This is a Sponsored Post] So the races are on, but what about after this week? Where do you get your gambling fix? It has to be poker. This site has a huge selection of poker tables with free delivery on items over $100. They also have a massive collection of poker chip sets. Thumbs Up.
Number 73 - Already I'm £7.50 down from the festival. No luck with Straw Bear - damb you Johnny Vegas! Thats the last time I take a tip from a man who advertises tea! Try this one whilst I sulk...
Cheltenham Festival kicks off in around 4 minutes - Good Luck to you call if you are having a little flutter - I certainly am! I have a £1 accumulator for 'Hide the Evidence', 'Fair Along', 'Straw Bear' and 'Little Brick' to win. I could stand to win over £1300! Feel free to leave any tips, or your bets for me to keep my fingers crossed for!