Very simply each image is a tube station. Name the station.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Number 89 - Already we are nearly mid-way through December. I haven't even started my xmas shopping yet, that is saved for next Friday - cutting it close, I know, but I'm just not ready yet! I have friends that did it all in October!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Number 88 - Wow! Decemeber already. I'll be Easter 2008 before you know it. Well done for getting the last one Paul, I wonder if Mr. Merton himself saw it? This one started in my head as being simple, as most do. Get ready for a xmas special later on this month!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Number 87 - Sorry for a bit of a break between posts. I've been to Madrid which has the best underground transit system in the world - in my opinion. Clean, cool, on time - fantastic. €20 for a week's unlimited travel - thats £15!
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Number 86 - The last one didn't fool you for long - I was hoping that you might thing it was Lisa Kudrow with Rambo's body. Maybe this one will take a few attempts to solve.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Number 85 - Facebook is rapidly taking over my life; its a great way to share files and talk to my friends. One video gem I recently shared with my good friend Captain Kent is a clip of a cartoon based on Chuck Norris. I really thought this was a piss-take of the 80s style (done very well by Garth Marenghi's Darkplace). Great stuff.
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Number 84 - Wow, that last one took nearly a month; and what a month it was! Floods, no power, no running water... and now everyone has plenty of free bottled water and everything is back to normal. We avoided most of the actual flooding, but a mate from Gloucester isn't going to be able to move back into his house this side of January!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Number 83 - Has anyone else been taken by the Facebook buzz? Its fair to say that when I'm at home I'm addicted. Who would have ever suspected that knowing that my friends are up to nothing would be so interesting? Anyway; hopefully another easy one to keep you occupied.