Very simply each image is a tube station. Name the station.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Number 87 - Sorry for a bit of a break between posts. I've been to Madrid which has the best underground transit system in the world - in my opinion. Clean, cool, on time - fantastic. €20 for a week's unlimited travel - thats £15!
Welcome back!!
Wild stab in the dark for this new one-- Pimlico?
(When I said wild, I meant it!)
Wow, that is wiiilllldddd!
Sorry, no.
hhhmmm tough one
Is that a hoe or a candle in his hand?
I'm not going to say which is right, but you are on the right track (great pun!)
South Wimbledon used to be called Merton - but as it isn't any more I don't think that can be right.
Sorry Annie, No. paul's guess was very close!
Sorry been a bit busy of late.
This makes sense in my head but...
Hackney Wick?
Writer - Hack
Candle - Wick
I like your thinking paul - but thing more about the celeb in the pic.
It was staring me in the face!
Hoe Merton
Fantastic work - this has been one of my favourites!
Yeah, lateral thinking. Was far easier than it appeared.
Bring on the next one!
Ooh la la! what a wild one there! lol..
Webmaster of young drivers insurance
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