Very simply each image is a tube station. Name the station.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Number 82 - The BBC has added an 'Also in the news' section on their website to host the more entertaining and bizarre articles from across the world. A cat with 26 toes, a man in a wheelchair stuck to the front of a truck and another man marries a goat. I think the BBC is trying to target the varial campaigners hoping that people will forward them to friends, or post them on their blogs - tshh.. good luck 'beeb!
Got me stumped again.
Not had a lot of time for this one though.
I shall double my efforts tomorrow.
Its one that could have been so very simple - but I decided to mix it up a bit. Try again tomorrow; look at it with fresh eyes!
Yeah. I just can't see it.
Been a little busy of late.
A few ideas but all far fetched.
Small clue?
The object is pretty big; some might say its...
Sorry, but I've made myself laugh there.
Sorry Paul - I thought this was pretty obvious as when you get what is being displayed it can only be one station.
Marble Arch?
totally stumped
Well done Paul! It was a bit difficult, but it was a large marble - Marble-Large - Marble Arch!
That was far too easy to take that long to get.
I see what you've done there though.
Bring ont eh next one!
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