Very simply each image is a tube station. Name the station.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Number 55 - Another quick one, which you'll probably guess in seconds, not particularly hard! Is everyone else finding January such a struggle to get up in the morning, and generally breathe?
Yep, January's dragging already, and it's only the 9th! The northern line is back to its usual sardine-esque self after the two vaguely peaceful Christmas weeks. Can't even get a seat at Collier's Wood this week, rammed all the way to Bank! I had a right ol' fitty sitting opposite me on the DLR this morning though, every cloud eh...
'A right ol'fitty'? Was she old then? Whilst checking the local lonely hearts column for our weekly game of 'Guess How Many Single Mums' we found one that said 'Female: likes smoking and vodka, needs man to make her laugh.' Sounds like a job for Jimmy Carr.
Yep, January's dragging already, and it's only the 9th! The northern line is back to its usual sardine-esque self after the two vaguely peaceful Christmas weeks. Can't even get a seat at Collier's Wood this week, rammed all the way to Bank! I had a right ol' fitty sitting opposite me on the DLR this morning though, every cloud eh...
'A right ol'fitty'? Was she old then? Whilst checking the local lonely hearts column for our weekly game of 'Guess How Many Single Mums' we found one that said 'Female: likes smoking and vodka, needs man to make her laugh.' Sounds like a job for Jimmy Carr.
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